Your Magical Moments

Please use this page as a forum for sharing your happy experiences babywearing with Ring Slings!
I can't wait to hear about the things your sling has made possible!


Jessica said...

We were at the library a few days ago, and I like to let Taggert put the books into the return slot, but I always have had to juggle him facing out on one hip while I try to hold the book bag open and hand him the books. This time, I put Tagg in the sling and that held him at just the right height to reach the slot! I then had both hands free to give him the books! Yay!

Jessica said...

Oh, yeah! In that same library trip, on the way out I put Tagg in the sling, swung my bag over my shoulder, and used my hands to hold a picture book up so I could read it to him while we walked to the car! :)