Twins :) :)

Yes, wearing both at once (hands free!) is possible!!
Of course, you can always just sling one baby--To get your wheels turning, here is a handy list of some other options for slinging with twins (peppered with, of course, some reasons why slinging twins is peaceful and fabulous ;) :
  • Wear one and put the other in the grocery cart (in the car seat or in the cart itself, depending on age).
  • You can get things done or just get off the couch and walk around while nursing--all you twin-nursers out there are on my worship list! I can't imagine the amount of time you put into nursing your little oneS, and I hope I can help you out so you can double-task while giving that most important job the priority it deserves.
  • Wear one and push one in the stroller. You can even discreetly nurse the one in the sling while you push the other around the block in the stroller and bet getting some exercise at the same time! (Look at you, you peaceful triple-tasker!)
  • When they get older, sling one while you feed the other in his high chair.
  • For toddler twins, you can let them take turns walking next to you and being held without your arms and back giving out!

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