Tail: The part of the fabric that hangs below the rings. The zipper pocket is located on the tail. The tail is used to tighten and adjust the sling so your child is perfectly supported in exactly the right place. It is also used as a nursing cover, as a blanket, and a shield from the elements.
Pouch: The part of the sling's fabric that goes across your front. The pouch is where the baby sits. The pouch is tightened by pulling on the middle of the tail, or in some cases, by grabbing the entire width of the tail and pulling.
Rails: The edges of the fabric on the pouch.
- Top Rail: The edge that is furthest from you. If you are wearing the sling on your right shoulder, the top rail is tightened by pulling on the edge of the tail that's to your left. If the sling is on your left shoulder, the top rail is tightened by pulling on the right edge of the tail.
- Bottom rail: The edge that is closest to you. If your sling is on your right shoulder, the bottom rail is tightened by pulling on the right edge of the tail. If you are wearing the sling on your left shoulder, tighten the bottom rail by pulling on the left edge of your tail.